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The Newsstand

The device used is a reworking of a newsstand from the 1800s which, in this project, became a link between the artist and people. The public is invited to approach the microphone available on the structure and to record their voice, which will then be uploaded onto the digital platform.

The newsstand also has the function of collecting postcards: the artist has previously taken photos depicting unusual views and details of the neighborhoods, which have been transformed into real postcards and sent, allowing the memories to come out of their geographical limits and cross every border.

Cityscapes – Digital Museum of Memory

The Cityscapes – Digital Museum of Memory project, presented by CAP – Cities Art Projects and artist Valeriana Berchicci, is the winner of the Lazio Region’s Lazio Contemporanea – Lazio innova call for proposals.

The project, developed in 2021, took place in five neighborhoods of Rome: Torpignattara, Tor Bella Monaca, Corviale, Trullo and Centro and is divided into several phases.

The city is thus transformed into a chorus of emotions and memories ready to guide anyone who wants to, on a journey that breaks out of customary timelines and geography. Therefore, it is not a tourist guide for those who are afraid of getting lost, but a map for those who want to experience in the deepest way a city as rich in history as Rome.

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