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Città Foresta – City Jungle

CAP – Cities Art Projects has collaborated on the realization of the workshops created by Latitudo Art Projects on the occasion of the Festival Città Foresta – City Jungle, the winning project of the “Estate Romana 2022” call.


Click here to learn more about Città Foresta Festival – Le Cosmicomiche 🪐


The Festival Città Foresta – City Jungle took place between the months of July and October in the three roman districts of Trullo, Laurentino38 and Corviale. Thanks to the synergistic work with artists and associations we animated our Città Foresta, a place where natural environment and urban spaces coexist harmoniously allowing the rediscovery of nature through workshops on sounds, photography, printmaking and medative walks capable of restoring a hidden image of the suburbs. With the artist Groove aka Lupomangiafruttasecca and with the imagination of our little partecipants we invented and narrated the magical adventures of the “Gang dell’ARCA”, a team of fantastic characters who colored our summer and left an indelible trace of children’s creativity.

Click here to download the Fanzine and discover all the characters and their curious stories.

The project received an excellent welcome from the local communities and the associations, serving as an opportunity for dialogue and contact, sharing and co-creation between the districts.

Photo Credits

Città Foresta, Courtesy CAP – Cities Art Projects © Luis Do Rosario, Marina Pietrocola, Paola Farfaglio



+39 06 59877542


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